Are you aware that 22 Veterans commit suicide every day! That is almost one an hour. The men and women who have sacrificed so much to preserve our freedom need our help. Our mission is to reach all Veterans across America, providing them with tools to deal with the nations largest healthcare system and creating awareness of the V.A.’s new program, Whole Health, centering around what matters to you, not what is the matter with you. This means your health team will get to know you as a person, before working with you to develop a personalized health plan based on your values, needs, and goals. Whole Health, includes holistic and non-traditional treatment plans, that are proving to decrease numerous symptoms, including problems related to PTSD. SEE HOW BEES CAN HELP WITH PTSD!! We are launching a series of television commercials and our Mobile Production Unit will provide an opportunity to reach Veterans everywhere and collectively make veterans healthcare more efficient in our lifetime! Thank A Veteran today and check out the non-profits page to see other organizations that are helping Veterans. Look for our mobile unit at an event near you!